Sunday 10 January 2010


Greetings to you all I am Bob Spelt Backwards! I have never properly written anything in my life, so I am new to all of the blogging business but what the hell, how hard can it really be! I understand that this website is global, and just so you all know, I live in Great Britain, Wales in fact, so for any Americans that come across this I spell "Color" with a "U" and "Gray" with an "E", so if there is any remote chance that I happen to type the sentence "A lovely colour of grey" please do not panic and accuse me of having bad spelling. I am sure there are other words in this English language that we share have different spellings but those are the only two that I can think of at the moment so far as an example but if you can think of anymore well I am sure you can figure it out. You get the picture? Good!

Despite this I do invite people from any origin to read what I have to say so please by all means enjoy it in whatever language you read it in!

Anyways, getting back to the point, I have decided that I am going to start blogging about weekly news headlines that I find to be a little odd and maybe sometimes I may even write about serious ones aswell. Oh and before anyone points out, yes I know there are television programs that do this sort of thing, but I am not in any so this will have to do!

Also I know you maybe thinking... "but Bob, why don't you just write your opinions on the news website forums after you have read them?" Well this is why, I often find forums a bit strange & well, kind of boring because they usually contain responses from some lonely old person saying "This is just horrid behaviour" & then some dippy, cocky young person will write something like "He's a F**KIN MENTAAAALLL!! wot is he thinkin offffff..... LOL!!" so I am sorry but I don't really fancy being apart of a discusion that has such a large age group. I mean, look at it this way, a head office somewhere having a meeting about "Bob knows what" would not have all the executive fat cats there and then have a grandmother and a chav in the corner saying what they think! So even if no one ever sees this I am still going to rant on about things.

So there you have it, that's generally going to be what I talk about so here we go. Hope you all enjoy.

All the best


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